Books and More!

Books and More!

To find out where a book or e-book is available access these sources:

  • Download the APP for your local library. 

  • Library Web Sites:

Chester County Library SystemMontgomery CountyDelaware CountyFree Library of PhiladelphiaLancaster CountyBerks County

This is a compilation of books we have found, and their inclusion should not be considered a recommendation.

Check out these available books on Hearing Loss at your local Chester County Library today!

*Hear and Beyond: Living Skillfully with Hearing Loss, Shari Eberts and Gael Hannan. 

  • *My Hearing, My WayDr Stacy Amos. 

  • *Heart of HearingMegan Thomas

  • *Adaptability, Transforming Pain into Purpose, Tiffany Storrs 

  • *Jack and the Crunchy Leaves: My First Hearing Aids, Ken Heyder

  • *Smart Hearing, Katherine Boutin

  • But You Look So Normal: lost and found in a hearing world, Claudia Marseille 

​*donated by HLAA Chesco


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 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

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​HLAA Chester County

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be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

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Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

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page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

Get updated by subscribing

to our newsletter

Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

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Please visit our Facebook

page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

Get updated by subscribing

to our newsletter

Get instant news by subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

 We look forward to helping you navigate some of the wealth of information available for those with hearing loss!  Email us your name & email address to be added to the mailing list.

Join the Conversation

Please visit our Facebook

page for more

information, articles,
​and updates!
​HLAA Chester County

Our Instagram is Coming


We would love to see you!

We sure do get excited when new

attendees come to our meeting!

If you're not able to attend at this time,

just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

be notified of upcoming meetings

and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA


Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371, West Chester, PA 19380