To find out where a book or e-book is available access these sources:
Search the Chester County Library System
Download the APP for your local library.
Library Web Sites:
Chester County Library System; Montgomery County; Delaware County; Free Library of Philadelphia; Lancaster County; Berks County
Goodreads When you find and select a book on Goodreads there is a pull-down tab that will have information on where you can purchase it.
This is a compilation of books we have found, and their inclusion should not be considered a recommendation.
Check out these available books on Hearing Loss at your local Chester County Library today!
*Hear and Beyond: Living Skillfully with Hearing Loss, Shari Eberts and Gael Hannan.
*My Hearing, My Way, Dr Stacy Amos.
*Heart of Hearing, Megan Thomas
*Adaptability, Transforming Pain into Purpose, Tiffany Storrs
*Jack and the Crunchy Leaves: My First Hearing Aids, Ken Heyder
*Smart Hearing, Katherine Boutin
But You Look So Normal: lost and found in a hearing world, Claudia Marseille
*donated by HLAA Chesco