Movie theaters must provide closed captioning display

devices to patron who are deaf or hard

of hearing.

These devices may be hand-held or clip onto seat-backs so

that the closed captions are

visible only to the patron in need.

Sony Entertainment Glasses

Regal Cinemas have distributed closed-captioning glasses to 6,000 screens across the country. 
Sony Entertainment Access Glasses are similar to 3-D glasses, but for captioning.
The captions are projected onto the glasses and appear to float about 10 feet in front of the user.
The devices are usually kept at the ticket office or the main office. Ask for the manager to help you.


AMC, Movie Tavern, Bryn Mawr Film Institute and Landmark/Ritz Theaters offer CaptiView.
Simply secure the device in your cup holder and adjust the flexible arm to an angle that works for you.
Once your movie begins, the device will present all the dialogue in text on your screen.

Call or check online for specifics as to what your theater offers.
Some theaters offer Audio Descriptive and Assisitve Listening Fidelio System, FM ​or simple amplifiers.

Accessibility and Closed Captions at the Movies

Accessibility and Closed Captions at the Movies

Movie theaters must provide closed captioning display

devices to patron who are deaf or hard

of hearing.

These devices may be hand-held or clip onto seat-backs so

that the closed captions are

visible only to the patron in need.

Sony Entertainment Glasses

Regal Cinemas have distributed closed-captioning glasses to 6,000 screens across the country. 
Sony Entertainment Access Glasses are similar to 3-D glasses, but for captioning.
The captions are projected onto the glasses and appear to float about 10 feet in front of the user.
The devices are usually kept at the ticket office or the main office. Ask for the manager to help you.


AMC, Movie Tavern, Bryn Mawr Film Institute and Landmark/Ritz Theaters offer CaptiView.
Simply secure the device in your cup holder and adjust the flexible arm to an angle that works for you.
Once your movie begins, the device will present all the dialogue in text on your screen.

Call or check online for specifics as to what your theater offers.
Some theaters offer Audio Descriptive and Assisitve Listening Fidelio System, FM ​or simple amplifiers.

Sony Entertainment Glasses

Regal Cinemas have distributed closed-captioning glasses to 6,000 screens across the country. 
Sony Entertainment Access Glasses are similar to 3-D glasses, but for captioning.
The captions are projected onto the glasses and appear to float about 10 feet in front of the user.
The devices are usually kept at the ticket office or the main office. Ask for the manager to help you.


AMC, Movie Tavern, Bryn Mawr Film Institute and Landmark/Ritz Theaters offer CaptiView.
Simply secure the device in your cup holder and adjust the flexible arm to an angle that works for you.
Once your movie begins, the device will present all the dialogue in text on your screen.

Call or check online for specifics as to what your theater offers.
Some theaters offer Audio Descriptive and Assisitve Listening Fidelio System, FM ​or simple amplifiers.

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Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

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Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380

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1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA


Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371, West Chester, PA 19380

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​HLAA Chester County

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just send us an email and

we will put you on our email list to

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and events.

Thanks for visiting our website. 

Our Address

Meeting Location:
Christ Community Church
1190 Phoenixville Pike
West Chester, PA 19380

Postal Mail: P.O. Box 1371,

West Chester, PA 19380