Scholarship Award
Mortimer Bauer Scholarship Award
Click here for the Mortimer Bauer Scholarship Award Photos
Hearing Loss Association of America-Chester County Chapter Awards Third Annual College Scholarships
The Scholarship Awards Events were taken place in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2023!
Summary: The Hearing Loss Association of America-Chester County Chapter announces the award of two scholarships for 2019 to Jamie Evans of Downingtown and to Ben K. Hornak of Pottstown.
West Chester, PA, June 4, 2019 – Recognizing the need to encourage post-secondary education among the high school population with hearing loss, the Hearing Loss Association of America-Chester County Chapter (HLAA-Chester County) is awarding two scholarships this year, one to Jamie Evans of Downingtown and the other to Ben K. Hornak of Pottstown.
The scholarship was initiated in 2017 by Dr. Judith Curtin, AD and renamed this year the HLAA Chester County, PA-Mortimer Bauer Scholarship Award in recognition of the late Mort Bauer’s 20 years of dedication to HLAA-Chester County. The generosity of his friends and family made the second scholarship possible.
Jamie Evans is the daughter of Kimberly and Robert Evans and is a graduating senior at Downingtown East High School. She will be attending college in Pennsylvania (still to make the final decision) and plans to study occupational therapy.
Ben K. Hornak is the son of Jennifer and Mark Hornak and is a graduating senior at Owen J. Roberts High School. He will be attending West Virginia University and plans to major in Supply Chain Management.
They will be presented with the checks at the HLAA-Chester County Annual Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, June 12 at 7:00 pm at Christ Community Church, 1190 Phoenixville Pike, West Chester.
HLAA is the nation’s largest consumer advocacy organization for people with hearing loss and is dedicated to providing information, education, support and advocacy to enable those with hearing loss to live full and productive lives. The Chester County chapter meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, September through June, from 7-8:30 at Christ Community Church, 1190 Phoenixville Pike, West Chester. The meetings are open to the community and supported by CART and Hearing Loop System.
For more information about HLAA-Chester County Chapter, check on Facebook at HLAA Chester County, or email